Stallions is Kitten Killers' newest sketch show, concerning all things feminism. As the audience is let into the venue they are handed glow sticks and greeted by a barrage of girl power pop tunes. The scene is set before the lights even go down.
Once the show starts, the trio of lovely feminists hold no bars and tackle all kinds of issues, from errant leg hair to cringeworthy and inappropriate tinder conversations. The show is structured as a collection of short comedic skits, interspersed with songs and facts about the state of feminism today. For the most part the sketches hit their mark, with particularly raucous receptions garnered from a sketch about Macbeth's 'basic witches', a clever parody of Shakira's Whenever Wherever and an imagined prologue to The Little Mermaid wherein Eric comes to terms with merman anatomy.
However, the show is at its strongest when the performers address the audience directly and discuss their own experiences of sexism, and their own attitudes towards feminism. The fun and relaxed atmosphere created by the comedic moments is contrasted perfectly by the more serious topical points, which in turn tie the surreal skits into their more sombre roots. So while the audience in treated to some excellent comedy, they also leave with a deepened understanding of (amongst other things) the Bechdel test, and the sleazy side of tinder.
However, while the show is full of excellent material, the actual production is a little rough around the edges. The audience is left in the dark literally at the end of every sketch, while the three comedians leave to change for the next scene. This slows the pace down and disrupts the flow of the show. More representational costumes which could be put on and taken off on stage may aid this particular fault, and help to keep the show concise and focused.
All in all Stallions is a well conceived, well researched and passionately performed sketch show, but with a bit of polishing it could reach stylish new heights.