I am so excited!
From 17th-22nd August 2016 I will visiting the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, not as a performer, but as a critic! I was fortunate enough to be selected to join the Network of Independent Critics, whose goal is to champion quality arts writing outside the mainstream press. It was such an honour to be selected and I couldn't be more excited.
Let me tell you a bit more about why it is so vital that independent arts critics are given the opportunity to review productions at the Edinburgh Fringe...
Due to the quantity of shows put on at the Edinburgh Fringe every year, it is unsurprising that most don't benefit from critical coverage. This is unfortunate, as not only does it play an important role in ticket sales, it is also incredibly useful for both the performers and the creatives involved.
That's where the Network of Independent Critics comes in. This summer 24 independant critics will descend upon the Edinburgh Fringe, each writing about their niche specialism. Children's theatre, drag and cabaret, new writing, stand-up, opera, and work by young people are just some of the areas which will be covered.
I myself will be writing about new musical theatre and small cast/ two hander shows, two areas which I am very passionate about championing.
However, funding a weeklong stay in Edinburgh is not an easy feat. Online critics who write for their own websites and blogs, or create vlogs or podcasts, do so because they are passionate about theatre. Ordinarily, they receive no financial assistance, and therefore a weeklong visit to the fringe is a huge financial commitment, which deters countless critics each year.
So how can you help?
If you're passionate about the arts then please consider supporting the Network of Independent Critics via their Fringefunder crowdfunding campaign. Not only will you be helping to support the online arts critics whose work is becoming more and more vital as arts criticism decreases in mainstream media, you'll also be helping to ensure that performers and performing arts companies get the critical recognition they deserve.
If you're not 100% convinced yet then you might also be interested to know that there are tons of perks for backers, such as a postcard from the Edinburgh Fringe, the chance to get your hands on a complete bundle of 1 critic's work from the festival, and the opportunity to choose a production which a critic will review for you! More information about these perks, and more, make sure you visit the Network of Independent Critics Fringefunder page.
Even if can't give to the crowdfunding campaign if you'd like to help out in another way then please consider sharing this post on social media.
Thanks so much for your support! If you'd like to know more about the Network of Independent Critics then give them a follow on twitter, or like their facebook page.
Additionally, if you are interested in having a show reviewed then please don't hesitate to get in touch.